Short Film Releasing

On Sunday, 5th November 2023 the Yatra Talkies Team released a short film ‘“Amaattram” (A Change). The film was Directed & Edited by Yatra

Srinivasan, Scrip and co- Directed by Ramki Seetharaman & Produced by Saiharini Ramakrishnan and produced in collaboration with HariRam Films. We started the event with

a Veena performance, Folk dance & classical dance performance by Yatra’s dancers. Yatra Theatre team Performed a theatre play named “No Second Chance”

then the movie screening was premiered by the short film crew and our chief guests. Everyone

enjoyed the film, applauding even throughout, and gave valuable feedback. We honored and presented mementos to our chief guests, actors, technicians and team members. It was

a great and a memorable day!!!